The Nordic Touch: A Guide to Applique Murale Nordique for Your Home Decor


Looking for a way to add a touch of Nordic elegance to your home decor? Look no further than the applique murale nordique. This Scandinavian-inspired wall lamp is a popular choice for modern home interiors and can create a warm and inviting atmosphere in any room. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to applique murale nordique, including its history, design, installation, and maintenance.

What is an Applique Murale Nordique?

An applique murale nordique, or Nordic wall lamp, is a type of wall-mounted light fixture that originated in Scandinavia. It is typically made from wood, metal, or glass and features a simple, minimalist design that is characteristic of Nordic and Scandinavian decor. The lamp emits a soft and warm glow, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere in any room.

History of Applique Murale Nordique

The origins of the applique murale nordique can be traced back to the early 20th century, when artists and designers in Scandinavia began to embrace the principles of functionalism and minimalism in their work. This movement was born out of a desire to simplify and streamline everyday objects in order to make them more efficient and accessible to everyone.

One of the pioneers of Nordic design was Alvar Aalto, a Finnish architect and designer who is perhaps best known for his iconic Aalto vase. Aalto’s designs were characterized by their simplicity, functionality, and use of natural materials, such as wood and glass. These principles would go on to influence generations of Nordic and Scandinavian artists and designers.

Design of Applique Murale Nordique

The design of applique murale nordique is simple and minimalist, featuring clean lines and geometric shapes. The lamp is typically made from wood, metal, or glass, and often features a combination of these materials. The shape and size of the lamp can vary, but it is usually small and unobtrusive, designed to blend in seamlessly with the surrounding decor.

One of the key design elements of applique murale nordique is its use of light. The lamp emits a soft and warm glow, creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere in any room. This makes it a popular choice for living rooms, bedrooms, and other spaces where people gather and relax.

Installation of Applique Murale Nordique

Installing an applique murale nordique is a relatively simple process that can be done by anyone with basic DIY skills. The lamp typically comes with mounting hardware and instructions, and can be installed on any wall with a power outlet nearby.

Before installing the lamp, it is important to choose the right location. Consider factors such as the height of the lamp, the direction of the light, and the surrounding decor. It is also important to ensure that the lamp is installed securely and that the wiring is properly connected.

Maintenance of Applique Murale Nordique

Maintaining an applique murale nordique is also relatively easy. The lamp should be cleaned regularly with a soft cloth and mild cleaning solution to remove any dirt or debris. It is also important to check the wiring and connections periodically to ensure that they are in good working order.

In addition, it is important to choose the right bulbs for your applique murale nordique. The lamp is typically designed to use low-wattage bulbs, which can help to conserve energy and reduce your electricity bill. It is also important to choose bulbs that emit a warm and inviting light, such as LED or incandescent bulbs.


If you are looking to add a touch of Nordic elegance to your home decor, an applique murale nordique is an excellent choice. These simple and minimalist lamps can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in any room and are easy to install and maintain. Whether you choose a wooden, metal, or glass lamp, you are sure to appreciate the beauty and versatility of this classic Scandinavian design.

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